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The system maintenance of environmental protection project achievement report of 2019-2021

Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) joins environmental protection agencies and departments from municipalities across the island in outsourcing hundreds of projects every year, spanning areas of air pollution, environmental sanitation, water pollution prevention, traffic noise pollution control, environmental effects evaluation, toxic substances control, public nuisance control, supervision and valuation, dispute resolution, promotion of environmental education, among others. To maximize the use of reports on the projects over the years for the government, industry, and academia, and to avoid the waste of public resources and investment, EPA has endeavored to develop an integrated and scalable information management system in compliance with the “Directions for the Implementation of Research, Development, and Innovation Programs of Executive Yuan Subordinate Agencies” issued by the Executive Yuan. The integrated platform will incorporate existing information management systems and the accumulated data, for better reuse of knowledge as well as stimulation of knowledge innovation.
environmental resource, achievement report, EPR